Hump Day Quickie 8
Ready for your mid-week fling? Here’s your bonus, even-less-strings-attached blog:
It looks like kids will once again take over the streets to Trick or Treat on Halloween! Here's a list of 2021 costume ideas to get you in the spirit.
Looking for something a little more ... je ne sais quoi? Try this magnificent 'Tater Thot' number.
For my horror movie fans, Airbnb is taking bookings for the Scream house starting on October 12th. Jiffy Pop not included!
Even scarier? The National Women's Soccer League is expelling a bunch of demons that should have been exorcised years ago...
On a lighter note, today is both National Noodle Day and National Mad Hatter Day, so bust out a fedora and eat some fettuccini.
For dessert, I highly recommend this Caramel Apple Crisp that I am currently eating for breakfast... 'Tis the season.
Gif of the Week
My October dress code
Finish Too Fast?
Don't worry! Sunday's article is only a few days away. In the meantime, let me know how you liked your quick fling by sending me an email. I take feedback, suggestions, or cash tips….