Hump Day Quickie #64
A few things making me gasp, gag, and giggle:
M&M melted under pressure (not hands) and is officially retiring their candy mascots 💚 👢
Console yourself with this unhinged list of other brand cartoons people think are hot 🌶
Did that thread make you want an internet purge? Same. Take a cue from this writer who started using a flip phone for her mental health ☎️
The Las Vegas Aces have some ‘splaining to do after allegations that they traded Dearica Hamby because of her pregnancy🤰
If you enjoyed Sunday’s article, here’s a beautiful account of what it’s like having a parent with dementia 💕
Also, check out this series of self-portraits that shows the progression of Alzheimer's through paintings 🎨
More jaw-dropping art? The doodle house of my dreams. uncaps sharpie ✍️
Serotonin boost! A future investigator sent DNA samples to her local police station to prove Santa is real🎅
Gif of the Week
Walking into the Green M&M’s retirement party like…
Finish Too Fast?
Don't worry! Sunday's article is only a few days away. In the meantime, let me know how you liked your quick fling by sending me an email. I take feedback, suggestions, or cash tips….