Hump Day Quickie #56
A few things making me gasp, gag, and giggle this week:
This Halloween parade for a little boy in Hamilton has had me crying for days. Spooky season can be sweet, too 👻
Give it up for living legend, Dolly Parton. A.K.A, the private philanthropist 🤠
Kevin Spacey’s trial finally starts this month. Here is a breakdown of every allegation he’s facing ⚖️
Well, Hockey Canada maintained a THIRD secret fund for sexual assault settlements. What’s next? A sex trafficking ring…probably.
Apparently, gifs aren’t cool anymore, so I guess this blog is going nowhere. #cantstopwontstop 🛑
One thing I did get right? Shopping at Target is therapy 🛍
If shopping isn’t your thing, this website lets you listen to cat purrs as a way to relax. My kind of ASMR 🐈
And lastly: Dystopian novels for fall? Groundbreaking 📚
Gif of the Week
Me trying to make gifs happen.
Finish Too Fast?
Don't worry! Sunday's article is only a few days away. In the meantime, let me know how you liked your quick fling by sending me an email. I take feedback, suggestions, or cash tips….