Hump Day Quickie 43

A few things making me gasp, gag, and giggle this week:

  • In honour of the 50th anniversary of Title IX tomorrow, here’s a brief history of how women’s sports teams started 🏊‍♀️

  • Need a refresher on the law? Watch this video about the first 50 years and what the future of Title IX means for women’s sports 🏅

  • The NCAA is passing the ball forward by restructuring broadcast deals for its successful women’s sports properties. This is a huge play that will help female athletes gain exposure and bring more money (and fans) to their leagues. #PutWomensSportsOnTV 📺

  • Two-time Olympic gold medalist, Brittney Griner, is STILL detained in Russia. What’s it going to take to #FreeBrittney? 🏀

  • The NFL continues its streak of bad behaviour. Read how Deshaun Watson’s team helped him assault women by providing him with NDA’s and space to book “massages” 🏈

  • Not-so-fun fact! Dinosaurs had belly buttons and I feel weird about it 🦖🦕

Gif of the Week

Me interacting with male coworkers

Finish Too Fast?

Don't worry! Sunday's article is only a few days away. In the meantime, let me know how you liked your quick fling by sending me an email. I take feedback, suggestions, or cash tips….

Gimme Gimme More


Hump Day Quickie 44


Hump Day Quickie 42