Hump Day Quickie 42
A few things making me gasp, gag, and giggle this week:
Britney Spears got married! True to form, she rocked a diamond thong on the dance floor, walked herself down the aisle, kissed Madonna, had her ex-husband arrested, and ended the night in bare feet and a messy bun…Living legend (you can look but don’t touch) 💒
Speaking of weddings, did you know that “marriage is on the menu” at Taco Bell? 🌮
A little birdie told me that more sponsors are drawn to the Ladies European Tour than to the men's. Way to keep women’s golf on the green! #investinwomenssports ⛳️
Animal shelters give dogs creative names to help boost adoption. Here are some of my ideas for any volunteers reading this🐶
Meghan Barkle
Lil’ Bow Wow
Wag-atha Christie
Bob Barker
Global giggles! This map shows how we laugh around the world 😂
Gif of the Week
Finish Too Fast?
Don't worry! Sunday's article is only a few days away. In the meantime, let me know how you liked your quick fling by sending me an email. I take feedback, suggestions, or cash tips….