Hump Day Quickie 33
A few things making me gasp, gag, and giggle this week:
Britney Spears is pregnant and I'm praying she borrows her maternity style from Rihanna, who dropped this perfect quote in yesterday's Vogue interview:
"I’m hoping that we were able to redefine what’s considered ‘decent’ for pregnant women. My body is doing incredible things right now, and I’m not going to be ashamed of that. This time should feel celebratory. Because why should you be hiding your pregnancy?” 🤰
Speaking of style, the WNBA draftees came to play on the orange carpet! Here's a quick recap of the picks to get you ready to build your ESPN Fantasy team 🧡
Louis CK has risen out of the #MeToo ashes and won a Grammy. Here's a great opinion piece on why we can be happy about it 🧯
New Fox News mascot? This literal fox attacked a democrat on US Capitol grounds 🦊
It's almost Easter Weekend! A quick reminder that bunnies aren't toys! Every year rabbits are given as pets and then abandoned , so please get your kids the chocolate variety instead 🐇
Gif of the Week
How it feels three days into a short work week
Finish Too Fast?
Don't worry! Sunday's article is only a few days away. In the meantime, let me know how you liked your quick fling by sending me an email. I take feedback, suggestions, or cash tips….