Hump Day Quickie 15
Ready for your mid-week fling? Here’s your bonus, even-less-strings-attached blog:
Welcome to Sagittarius season! My birthday is in 5 days, the holidays are around the corner, and Britney Spears is ripping Christina Aguilera apart on her Instagram stories. Nature is healing 🏹
Everyone’s favourite Bachelorette couple, Tayshia and Zac, have broken up, further fueling my Adele phase. Time to say your goodbyes...🌹
Speaking of music phases, Spotify wrapped is poised and ready to humiliate everyone in a few weeks. Any predictions on what’s making the top of your list? 🎧
Remember the Texas abortion ban? Next week the Supreme Court will hear arguments challenging the Mississippi law that bans abortions at 15 weeks. Here's a great overview to keep you in the womb loop 🍼
If you liked Sunday's article about Peng Shuai, here's The Intelligencer's take on how the WTA is handling China 🎾
The Grammy nominations are out, Paul Rudd is the sexiest man alive (duh), but no one is talking about the best award of them all…Meet Boone, 2021's Hero Dog of the Year 🐶
Gif of the Week
Welcome to Sagittarius Season!
Finish Too Fast?
Don't worry! Sunday's article is only a few days away. In the meantime, let me know how you liked your quick fling by sending me an email. I take feedback, suggestions, or cash tips….