Hump Day Quickie 11

Ready for your mid-week fling? Here’s your bonus, even-less-strings-attached blog:

  • It must be a Bones Day because I'm in a great mood! Fingers crossed for a skeletally sound Halloween! 🦴

  • Looking for a slasher film? Coach is under fire for intentionally destroying merchandise that isn't sold.🔪

  • If you want a good reason to stay in tonight, a bunch of UK women are hosting Girls Night In Boycotts to encourage more security measures around drink spiking.

  • In Philadelphia, a woman was sexually assaulted on public transit while onlookers did nothing. The story is straight out of a horror film, but here's a great piece on the Bystander Effect that helps it make a bit more sense.

  • What a treat! B.J. Novak's face somehow ended up on household products all over the world.

  • If you don't have a costume yet, here are 62 last-minute ideas to get you through...🤡

Gif of the Week

Realizing I left the straightener on.

Realizing I left the straightener on.

Finish Too Fast?

Don't worry! Sunday's article is only a few days away. In the meantime, let me know how you liked your quick fling by sending me an email. I take feedback, suggestions, or cash tips….

Gimme Gimme More


Hump Day Quickie 12


Hump Day Quickie 10