Hump Day Quickie 2
Ready for your mid-week fling? Here’s your bonus, even-less-strings-attached blog:
An independent report found that the NCAA has been undervaluing women's basketball. No duh.
The Taliban is back and Malala is concerned for the women of Afghanistan
Scumbags Trevor Bauer and R. Kelly are both undergoing trial, and both are claiming their actions were consensual.
On a positive note, Serena Williams unveiled a new athletic collection with Nike.
On a pawsitive note, a German animal shelter has been posting their adoptable pets on Tinder
Need a work break? This psychologist has been reacting to Greg and Katie's relationship from last season of The Bachelorette.
Gif of the Week
When you realize it’s September next week…
Finish Too Fast?
Don't worry! Sunday's article is only a few days away. In the meantime, let me know how you liked your quick fling by sending me an email. I take feedback, suggestions, or cash tips….